9. Directive: Earth. My mind wanders about…Saving our home.

I watched, “Hubble” today at the Science Museum of Virginia. It’s an Imax 2D movie about the history of the famous Hubble telescope. It was simply a beautiful movie. The end was powerful because it showed us, out of all the planets and galaxies the Hubble telescope has explored, none has even compared to our Earth (yet). So it’s important we take care of our beautiful and unique planet.

So my idea is Barbie made up of tiny words, “earth“, and her holding a plant pot that says, “Save our home.” The “home” is the pot, “our” is dirt, and “save” are leaves. I came up with this idea because I like those pictures made up of little pictures but I wondered instead of pictures, how about using words to convey a message. “Save our home, Earth” is a very important message we need to transfer to our younger generations. Barbie is the perfect toy to teach this very important message.


Barbie Outline – http://www.barbieimages.com/gallery/barbie.php?page=23

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