5. My mind wanders about…Customized doll clothes

Wouldn’t it be so cool if Mattel could make customize clothes for your Barbie doll? As a kid, I had one of the American Girl Dolls, Samantha. I remember how I wanted to dress just like her and since the dresses in the catalog were overpriced, my aunt, who had a thing for sewing back in the day, made the dress Samantha had just for me! She also made me her night gown. If I can find the old picture of myself in either of these dresses, I shall put it up. But instead of you dressing and emulating the doll, why doesn’t the doll dress like you? I know that you can specifically buy clothes that you like at the store, but wouldn’t there be more individuality in the child if you could actually customize clothes? I know if I was still a kid, I would love it if I could choose/design clothes my dolls or my future daughter’s dolls would wear.

I think if this was an actual service, Mattel would start off with simple t-shirts, jeans, skirts, dresses, and shoes and you can customize them from a set of varying colors, types, etc. Then when this service starts growing, it can gradually become a service where you can design almost anything you want for your doll. In the later stages, you can send in pictures or drawings of your clothing to Mattel and then they send you a quota of the price. I think this kind of service might range from $10-$50, depending on the complexity of the designs you choose. But I think this would also be a great bonding moment for a mother and daughter, if they tried to come up with designs or run around the house or the store together, looking for clothes they want for their Barbie doll.

So for this idea,  I decided to think like the “kid me” (I like to think I am still a kid haha) and selected some clothes I would want my doll to wear/want to wear myself if I were 6-12 year old Gina. It was a bit difficult to find clothes in my closet that I’d wear when I was a kid. My wardrobe has matured (I hope…) and fashions from the 90s greatly differ from now. But here are my clothes and outfits –

My pink socks…from the 90s, haha.

I love[d] wearing pink and red.

Here’s me modeling my clothes.

I was a always a big fan of the pink power ranger since I was 4 years old.

Capri’s were all the rage!

As I chose all these clothes and wearing all these outfits, I began to reminisce to as a kid and I would have definitely loved it if I could go to my first day of school and have my Barbie doll have a matching outfit with me. There would be a lot of bonding and happy moments if you could customize doll clothes.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this as much as I did.  Til next time! 🙂

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